Releasing the Holy Spirit Within: How Compassionate Prayer Ignites God's Transformative Love
In the realm of spiritual transformation, there exists a powerful yet often untapped access point to God's heart – compassionate prayer....
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Older articles are below:
Releasing the Holy Spirit Within: How Compassionate Prayer Ignites God's Transformative Love
How far do we trust our heart's feelings?
Compassion is the key to change
Get your ears on for God
Rejoice in Suffering
The habits of spiritual transformation
Techniques for prayer and spirit-life
Improving your habits for spiritual transformation
This is the gospel
The privilege to be in the light
What’s up with this Hell Business?
Breath-prayer brings deep rest
Wait Until Pentecost Comes!
Set your mind above
How to ‘devotionally’ read the Bible
Escape from judgmentalism
Get out there
How good is it?
The Fire of Desperation
Remain in His Love